Creating Confident, Creative and Curious little Thinkers
Brooklyn Preschool has been established since January 1987 and has grown so much over the years, We offer a welcoming, caring atmosphere where children can develop and learn through play in our family orientated setting. Our staff are level 3 qualified in Early Years, Children's Care, Learning and Development with Enhanced DBS certificates and satisfactory references. We aim to provide a varied curriculum based on Early Years Foundation Stage and the individual interests of each child.
We follow in the moment planning and are currently introducing aspects of The Curiosity approach to encourage children to explore the Awe and Wander of the world around them whilst following their interests and scaffolding their learning.
Our most recent Ofsted Report from September 2016 was rated 'Good' in all areas with Outstanding in Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare.
We are open Monday to Friday with a selection of sessions to choose from to suit our families needs.
9am - 4pm
9am -12pm
9am -1pm
12pm - 4pm
1pm - 4pm
Lunch Club is between 12pm and 1pm daily and we ask parents to provide a pack lunch for their children.
For more information on healthy pack lunches and what foods we avoid in setting please see our Welcome back below
Children are provided with a healthy snack during both morning and afternoon sessions.
We charge £4.75 an hour and offer flexible Monthly payment plans for parents and carers, we accept both Tax Free Childcare payments and Workplace Childcare Vouchers
We accept the Universal 15 hour Funding for 2 and 3 year olds, including the Extended Entitlement of 30 hour funding.
Children who are entitled to take up a place for 2 year funding will receive a Golden Ticket number or a Funding code via post
To find out more about Tax Free Childcare or 30 hour Extended Entitlement please visit

“The more that you read, the more you will know.
The more things you learn, the more places you’ll go ”
Dr Seuss
We strive to provide children with a safe, exciting and nurturing environment where they can explore the awe and wonder of the world around them. Children learn to be curious and creative little thinkers using their Hands, Heart and Head (Characteristics of Effective Learning) through meaningful interactions and sustained shared thinking.
We aim for children to reach high levels of engagement in their chosen activities and for practitioners to scaffold their learning with teachable moments and open ended questions. We have a strong key person system where each child has a warm and trusting relationship with a key person and practitioners endeavour to support each child to be unique, confident and independent individuals ready for the next stage in their learning.
We use Makaton and visual aids to support communication and language skills which has had a positive impact on children’s early speech and language as fed back to us from our families.
We have a fantastic team of dedicated practitioners who each bring their own unique flare and passion to the setting, working together to create a safe place where children can thrive and learn through play.
Children are curious little beings and allowing them to play with loose parts and real authentic items enables them to use their Hands, Hearts and Head (characteristics of effective learning) and engage in meaningful play whilst exploring the Awe and Wonder of the world around. A plastic garage is always a garage, but a tyre, wooden planks and pine cones can be a garage, a zoo, fairy house, dinosaur land. The possibilities are endless.

At Brooklyn Preschool we understand that children learn best when they are engaged in meaningful interactions with skilled practitioners who scaffold their learning following the child’s interests and lead. We provide challenges and next steps in the moment while children are interested in the current activity. Adults are nearby to facilitate learning, offer suggestions and guidance and support language by providing a narrative to children’s play.

Communication is key in the development of all children and to support this we use Makaton signs to support early speech and language. By demonstrating and teaching the children simple Makaton signs and corresponding facial expressions along side the English spoken language, children are able to express their needs and emotions, even if English is an additional language. We share weekly videos with our families demonstrating the ‘Sign of the week’ to enable parents and carers to join in with their child and support this early communication at home.